Monday 5 January 2015


I have a confession to make.
I'm confused (although i confuse easily).
It seems to me that Ewa was several places at once on New Years Eve?
I've tried to sort out all the different appearances she made on the day and have admitted defeat.
I've really not much of an idea of which performances where live or which were pre recorded. There's just so many of them.  It also seems that as soon as footage is uploaded to Youtube it is being taken down again by one or another of the broadcasting stations in both Poland and the Czech Republic.

Anyway, after that pathetic excuse here's Leporelo from somewhere in the Cze.
There's lots more out there but the point of linking all the performances to EFUK only to have them taken down minutes afterwards defeats the purpose somewhat.

I also don't have much of an idea where everything was recorded.
So there you have it.
EFUK...where the latest news is usually wrong and never on time.
Roll on 2015 for more of the same :-)

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