Saturday, 18 April 2015

And Another One Bites The Dust...

Well, it's a bit of a sad sign of the times, as more and more music stations on Satellite (and all platforms) seem to be dropping like flies! I discovered Ewa via a music station via the 'Hotbird' satellite, it would seem as if channels on this Satellite are going from Satellite and moving, and taking more of an online presence (much like Virgin TV have done previously), etc. It's not the first lot to go, and it's certainly not going to be the last, but it's another one gone, another one bitten the dust. Having a dedicated Satellite system simply to find music is becoming that much more pointless month by month.

It's becoming harder in the UK to find good/decent music, and harder still for the artists to be discovered/promoted. Yes, online is the way it is going, yes, it's also cheaper...but online it's harder to find anything as their is SO much stuff out there of varying quality - this is why EFUK is so important - it's helping other likeminded people from the UK engage with good music again and with other fans, while also giving a place to find Ewa stuff.

As more and more TV music stations fall, it's more important for the music sites to be there to fill a gap, some how. While there are still some on there, the one I found Ewa on has gone, and that's sad - I think the TV/Music companies have this wrong. What will they do when YouTube and whatever online services have had their day? How are artists to get their song out-there to new fans? I discovered about 80% of my favourite music/artists via TV stations and I know I'm not the only one. As artists like Ewa move to genres less favoured by the pop market, they need all the promotion they can get - this move by TV stations is another reason why artists aren't selling records, tickets or getting their music heard and thus record labels give up when it all fails. I dread this happening. I'm certainly not giving in, actually it drives me on to do more as people need to hear good music again - the UK is flooded with junk music/ TV music stations.

Ewa & artists like her need their message spreading further across the world -  that they write and produce good music (there isn't enough of it around these days!)

So, I end this blog post with the first song I ever heard of Ewa's La La Laj -

If anyone ever discovers a new outlet/channel for good, Polish, Czech (or anywhere non-english speaking actually) music, let us know and we'll get the word out.


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