Saturday, 8 December 2012

EFUK the tattoo!

It's finally here at last.
The EFUK Team tattoo!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. Don't be anonymous. Come and join us? You'd be very welcome :-)

  2. If you do it today would still be swollen and red. But it is not:P
    cute but not real:)

    1. Oh it's real ok. And believe me it's still very swollen and red.

    2. I do not believe you. This image does not allow me to believe :)
      But why did you get a tattoo of the logo of one of the desk? Did you know the next album will have a different logo?

    3. I really don't care whether you believe or not? I don't lie or make things up and to be honest i resent your accusation that i have done so. I didn't get the tattoo to impress you or anyone else. Tattoo's are a personal thing. I just thought that other fans would be interested.

  3. How is it possible that someone who had never seen Ewa in real life decided to make such tatoo? Despite of it this logotype is old, because this is logo of Ewakuacja album and in few month new album will be released... So awkward moment...

    1. Actually i've been across to the Czech Republic twice now to see Ewa. Prague in 2009 and at the Birthday concert in Brno.
      Not awkward moment at all. I like that logo. If the next album has a different logo so what? I'll still like this one?
