Saturday, 10 November 2012

Big "Bitwa na Głosy" catch up!

Finally, there is time for a big update about Bitwa na Głosy! I’ve wrote about it before (when the show started) main overview for it’s rules and now I’ll try to explain more and write how Ewa’s team muddle through…

First of all some BnG facts. At the beginning there was 8 teams, headed by Polish music stars: Robert Gawliński, Beata Kozidrak, Afromental,  Jula, Piotr Rubik, Liber, Ewa Farna and Adnrzej “Piasek” Piaseczny. Their teams are formed by 16 talented vocalists, team leader (star), choirmaster and person who is some kind of manager for team. Important part of show is the jury created by 4 polish celebrities – Alicja Węgorzewska (opera singer), Katarzyna Zielińska (actress), Wojciech Jagielski (music director of Radio “Zet”) and Titus (lead singer and bassist of metal band Acid Drinkers). All show is hosted by 3 reporters – main Agnieszka Szulim and Hubert Urbański, and backstage host – Piotr “Kędzior” Kędzierski.
Every episode, the team which lost sms voting have to leave the show …. except in the first and second episodes. In first and second show there were only 4 team performances each show (eg. Ewa’s team, was in first episode, so they weren't in second), in this episodes nobody leaves show but the best team gain an immunity. It means that choir with that “immunity” are save in episode 3 (when firs team have to leave show). … umm…complicated to explain but hopefullly you understood? ;)
Ok that’s it about rules, let’s focus about Ewa and her team.
Episode 1 Now we know that Ewa’s team from Sosnowiec are called by themselves as Trasfarners (mixed Transformers and Farna ;). This time because there are only 4 teams all of choirs are singing 2 songs.
So let start watching -  opening (when Ewa and other leaders sing, and their teams are only back vocs) is so energizing it’s “What a feeling” by Rene Cara Farna was best in it!
After that it can be only more exciting. Sosnowiec group are performing a bit changed “Nie przegap” and what a surprise for us! Ewa took part in song! Jury is delighted!
Next round, next song “Call me maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen, this time as it should be with Ewa only as a “conductor” Jury isn’t sure about if this performance is good or not, their opinions are divided.
On the end we can’t be more excitet TRansfarners won immunity! We can be sure that they will sing in episodes 3 and 4!
About 1:30 you can see how happy they are ;)

Episode 2 Is wiithout Ewa’s team is other 4 team…Immunity goes to Jula’s team (in most opinion undeservedly!)

Episode 3 and next emotions. Of course we are sure that Sosnowiec team will stay in show but how they show up? If it will be good?
At the beginning we can enjoy “it’s my life” by Bon Jovi Ewa’s part is definitely too short J
Then Transfarner amazed us with “Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson jury’s opinions are good but can be better!
Thank God they are safe … we have to say goodby to team leaded by Robert Gawliński representing south Warsaw.
Episode 4 and finnaly polish song for opening! It’s “Dziwny jest ten świat” by legendary Czesław Niemen . Have to admit that Ewa’s voice sounds pretty great with Piasek’s one ;) Check it ->
Then time only for Team Transfarners they choose “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson, was it good choice, a bit risky maybe? My God Ewa on drums! Everybody are shocked but they like it! Agan jury’s opinions are good but still can be better. In their opinion Ewa’s choir was “like Ferrari with Daewoo Lanos engine – Ewa was genious but team have not enough power” … Katarzyna Zielińska from jury even try to said something in Czech, sounds not bad especially that she liked performance ;)
Thankfully Ewa’s team stay in show, we should cry after group leaded by Beata Kozidrak from Lublin.

Episode 5
What a pressure, this time Ewa’s sixteen have to be awesome, competitors are more and more dangerous and if team finally delight jury as it was in first episode?
Let’s start from opening. This time Blues Brothers and "Everybody Needs Somebody" nice, huh?
Ok, was fun but what Transarners will show? Finally there they are! OMG they are singing “Freedom” by George Michael…If they screw it I swear to God…! Shit! They are Genius! They won’t screwed it, I am so moved I shed a tear (and it is happening every time I’m watching it!) ;) Ewa again took part in show and gave a lot of energy to her team. Jury is finnaly under impresion! In every word, every opinion! Everything was perfect this time.
… and to be accurate they used sign language because in their opinion it was proper to “freedom” song an parents of that guy who used it are deaf and never heard their son singing. Except that they have on their shits slogans like “stop violence” “stop barriers” “stop racism” etc.

This time the last song sang Afromental’s team… Ewa love thet, so do we. What a pity! Everybody cries. Oh.. so emotional episode! Thanks transfarners and Afroteam!!

Episode 6
We’re in sooo good attitude after “freedom”. We expecting more and more, can’t wait!
Opening is another legendary polish song “Naiwne pytania (w życiu piękne są tylko chwile)” by Dżem.
Rock ballad made as reggeae song? Intersting ->

Ewa’s team finally again in polish song “Parę chwil” by rock band IRA … again emotional, great words
Bo jest paru ludzi (‘cause there is few guys)
Bo jest parę w życiu dobrych chwil (‘cause there is few good moments in life)
Bo jest parę złudzeń które warto mieć by żyć  (‘cause there is few ilusions that are worth to have to live)
Choć raz,tylko raz  (at least once, only once)
Tu na ten świat Bóg nam pozwala przyjść. (here on this world God let us to came)
zawsze lepsze coś niż nic.(always better something that nothing)”
Song dedicated to all fans especially one guy named Bartek because his dad was seariously ill... they now how to moved us!
Jury was or delighted or undecided but always impressed about Ewa’s charisma.
This tame Jula’s team have to leave show

Episode 7
There are still less and less teams, now is real fight! At the beginning “Eye of a tiger” by Survivor
Only 4 teams are in game, what does it mean for us? Two song by Transfarners!! J
First one Ewa’s “Bez Łez” ... for choir? Ok., sounds nice! And Ewa’s supporting voice again – like it!
Jury opinions? They weren’t hot, they weren’t cold…
Second song “Bring me to life” by Evanescence That was impresive!
Umm two songs double emotios! Jury not only aprove performances, they are totally FOR Ewa’s team, tell us to vote!

…this time time for team leaded by Piotr Rubik to leave…their was was so unfriendly that we aren’t even sad!

Episode 8
This time show starts from “I need a hero” by Bonnie Tyler ..a lot of Ewa’s voice! We like it ;)
Then Transfarners and “Mniej niż zero” by Lady Pank (good that something in polish but they can choose better) I agree with jury it was average not bad but haven’t got “that something” maybe next song…
Wait “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child? Beyonce..may sounds good in their version God! “Die Happy” version means rock version! It have Power! Studio is literally in flames! They “refute syatem”. How do you like Ewa in uniform? J
Oh wait there is not enough? Surprise for us! Because of 60th birthday of TVP every team leader with group will sing something from tv series or movies. Sosnowiec group is singing “40 lat minęło”(40 years passed) from series “czterdziestolatek”(40year old guy) and they changed text for “60 years past” especially for celebrate TVP anniversary! Of course, when Ewa came it became more rockin’, oh her power!

This time nobody leaves show. Why? Again immunity thing – This time Andrzej “Piasek” Piaseczny win it and in next episode he will be safe, he is 100% in final. Next episode fight Ewa vs. Liber!

Episode 9
Again a lot of pressure! If Ewa and team will be in final or not?!
Opening “Jump” by Van Halen ok nice, nice but emotions are bigger in every minute!
Ewa’s team started from polish song “Nad przepaścią” by Bracia oh, soo romantic! They all are crying because it’s about brake ups and backs and there is only one episode to final…they don’t want to brake up their team!!
Second song is a lot of energy after that tears, this time “You soot me all night long” by ACDC so powerfull, they used their time in 100%, can’t be better. Let’s wait for results of voting..
Oh, wait! Special performance again. Liber “sing” song by Piasek “jeszcze bliżej”, Piasek sings Ewa’s “Cicho” and Ewa performed “mijamy się” by Liber & Sylwia Grzeszczak … soo nice mix up! Who was the best? Should Piasek sing “Cicho” more often?

And there it is! Results..moment of waiting … guys read that thing! … oh yeeessss Ewa & Transfarners are in Final!!! What a joy! Thanks all!

Episode 10 – GRAND FINAL
Saturday 10th Noveber, TVP 8PM local time, channel TVP2 
– if you have possibility watch, if you have possibility VOTE!!! It’s so important, when team sosnowiec win they’ll help one of Special School in that City – if you can send 4 at 7350!

 Oh and if you wanna pictures from Bitwa or just new pisc visit 
(all bitwa albums here -> )

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